Artificial Intelligence is a software that is intelligent enough to perform complex tasks on its own without requiring any assistance from humans.

A formal definition of AI would be:

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Artificial Intelligence is believed to be the technology of the future that can combat numerous problems in a variety of fields ranging from robotics, medical sciences, logistics and transportation, finances, and tons more utility services in industries.

Initially, AI was not as successful as we thought due to low computational power and data we had access too.

Nowadays, we have both high computational powers thanks to graphical proccessing units and high amounts of data to allow ai to study on.

As of right now, AI is quite powerful to solve a set of tasks that is assigned to it efficiently and effectively. However, it hasn’t reached its peak yet, and we are a few years, possibly decades away from that point.

Most likely, no. During the industrial revolution, similar questions were asked about machines. However, they did not take our jobs, but rather made new jobs meant for machine maintenance. Humans are intellectual beings, AI cannot take away our jobs, instead they will most likely make our work simpler.

As of right now, AI taking over the world is simply fiction. The rule "computers will only do what they are told to do" still applies. Take self driving cars for example, the AI inside them can only do one thing, drive the car. It cannot make the car go sentient and start destroying humanity.

  • Speech Recognition
  • Examples:
    • Auto Generated Captions
    • Smartphone Assistants
  • Computer Vision
  • Examples:
    • Fruit Quality test
    • Face Recognition System
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Examples:
    • Smartphone Assistants
    • Text to Speech software

Artificial Narrow Intelligence is a type of AI which can only accomplish a single, but complex task without human help. For example, an AI which can drive on it's own is an ANI. Another example would be AI which can classify different fruits and vegetables.

Artificial General Intelligence is a type of AI which can perform multiple complex tasks on its own without human support. For example, an AI which can act as a normal human, who can do multiple tasks exactly like a human, is considered an AGI.

Currently, we are very far from developing AGIs and can only develop ANIs

Artificial Intelligence in the natural world has a wide variety of applications. These include your journey from the start of the day till the end of the day. For example, when googling something, you are greeted with AI features of autocomplete and autocorrect.

Apart from smartphones, Artificial Intelligence has tons of other applications, including email spam detection, chatbots, object character recognition, and so much more.

Artificial Intelligence also finds its applications in many other fields, such as topics ranging from robotics, medical sciences, logistics and transportation, finances, and tons more utility services in industries.

Well, no. AI isn't very hard to understand.

It's an field containing lots of other sub fields. It's totally worth investing your precious time to gain further knowledge about AI if you are particularly interested in the various intriguing concepts that are offered by the following subject.

While learning AI from scratch might sometimes be hard at the beginning, it becomes more interesting and cool as you proceed to invest more time learning numerous concepts related to AI.

You will gain exposure to mathematics, programming, machine learning, and so much more that will expand your vast knowledge.

The best part about getting your hands wet with Artificial Intelligence is that the knowledge you gain from the following subject can be partially or completely utilized for various software applications and jobs as well.

Python is the most popular programming language for AI due to its simplicity.

It has multiple community built & open source libraries like matplotlib, numpy and tensorflow which allow us to make AI in python.