AI has begun to enter into all aspects of life. An interesting area that it has bumped into is eCommerce. In times when online businesses are growing and there is aggressive competition amongst the top E-commerce players, it goes without saying that they’ll be out of the race if they do not keep up with the updated technology.

How can AI be used in E-Commerce

Conversational chatbots
Many top names in different industries like Starbucks, Sephora, Domino’s have adopted chatbots to benefit their eCommerce business. The customer can ask any question regarding a product to a bot and get a prompt response. This can definitely affect the customer’s decision to make a purchase or not as they are given quick answers to their queries.

Recommendation systems
They are one of the easiest ways to convert AI capabilities into sales. This is one of the main reasons why companies have been investing in them since the early 2000s.

Auto-generated product descriptions
Customers use product descriptions to make purchase decisions. It is an important means to influence customers. With the help of AI content generation tools, eCommerce can leverage the power of AI to create descriptions that address the interest of the buyer.

Image recognition
This feature allows users to select an item from any online photo and use it image recognition software to identify similar items. The eCommerce industry can also make use of such systems to provide an enhanced customer experience.

Personalized search
Businesses can use AI-powered search engines which are also known as insight engines to combine search with machine learning capabilities so that the internal website research becomes more personalized.